(2010) (Adam Sandler, Kevin James) (PG-13)
Alcohol/DrugsBlood/GoreDisrespectful/Bad AttitudeFrightening/Tense ScenesGuns/Weapons
Sex/NuditySmokingTense FamilyScenesTopics ToTalk AboutViolence
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Comedy: Various men, who played together on a championship basketball team as preadolescents, reunite three decades later and spend time at a lake cabin with their spouses and kids.
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Three decades after winning a basketball championship as preadolescents, a group of men and their families reunite following the death of their beloved coach. There's Hollywood agent Lenny Feder (ADAM SANDLER) who's married to fashion designer Roxanne (SALMA HAYEK) and is concerned that their kids have become spoiled, what with having nanny Rita (DI QUON) at their beck and text call. While hard partier Marcus Higgins (DAVID SPADE) hasn't really grown up, Eric Lamonsoff (KEVIN JAMES) has settled down with Sally (MARIA BELLO) who still breastfeeds their 4-year-old son.

Kurt McKenzie (CHRIS ROCK) is also a family man and stay-at-home dad, but must contend with being henpecked by his pregnant wife, Deanne (MAYA RUDOLPH), and her mother, Mama Ronzoni (EBONY JO-ANN). Overly dramatic Rob Hilliard (ROB SCHNEIDER), meanwhile, barely sees his young adult kids -- the gorgeous Jasmine (MADISON RILEY) & Amber (JAMIE CHUNG) and the more homely Bridget (ASHLEY LOREN) -- and instead spends time with his much older wife, Gloria (JOYCE VAN PATTEN).

Following the funeral, the various men and their families head off to spend time together at a lake cabin. There, they must not only contend with various marital and familial issues, but also a group of men, including Dickie (COLIN QUINN), Wiley (STEVE BUSCEMI) and Malcolm (TIM MEADOWS), who have not forgotten losing the championship basketball game to them so long ago and want a rematch.

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If they're fans of Sandler, his comedy troupe, and their brand of juvenile comedy they probably will.
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For crude material including suggestive references, language and some male rear nudity.
<! -- End MPAA -- ><! -- Start Cast As -- >
  • ADAM SANDLER plays a Hollywood agent who mourns the loss of his childhood basketball coach and is concerned that his own children are spoiled and have forgotten how to be regular kids. While spending time with his former friends, he makes various playful put downs about them. Like his friends, he ogles Jasmine and drinks some.
  • SALMA HAYEK plays his wife, a fashion designer who initially isn't happy to spend any time with his friends and their families, but quickly changes her tune. She drinks some.
  • KEVIN JAMES plays one of Lenny's childhood friends, a family man who lies about his job status to save face in front of the others. He also ogles Jasmine.
  • MARIA BELLO plays his wife who still breastfeeds their 4-year-old son and playfully uses her enlarged breasts to entice a muscular young man at the pool.
  • CHRIS ROCK plays another of Lenny's former teammates who's now a house husband, and a henpecked one thanks to his demanding wife and her mom who's always putting him down.
  • MAYA RUDOLPH plays his pregnant wife who's very demanding of and often belittles him.
  • EBONY JO-ANN plays her flatulent mother who constantly puts down Kurt.
  • DAVID SPADE plays another former teammate who's the only one who really hasn't grown up and is the only one who's single. He similarly ogles Jasmine and Amber and drinks in various scenes (including to the point of passing out).
  • ROB SCHNEIDER plays the last member of their former team, an overly dramatic man who doesn't hide his sexual attraction to his much older wife.
  • JOYCE VAN PATTEN plays that woman, a sensuous Mother Earth type soul.
  • DI QUON plays Lenny and Roxanne's nanny who's confused by Lenny acting as if she isn't their children's caretaker while in front of his friends.
  • MADISON RILEY and JAMIE CHUNG play Rob's sexy daughters who are prone to wearing revealing attire, while ASHLEY LOREN plays their more homely sister.
  • COLIN QUINN plays a local guy who still hasn't gotten over losing to Lenny's basketball team back when they were kids, while STEVE BUSCEMI and TIM MEADOWS play his friends who also want to embarrass Lenny and his friends.
  • <! -- End Cast As -- ><! -- Start IMDB Links -- >CAST, CREW, & TECHNICAL INFO


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    Curious if this title is entertaining, any good, and/or has any artistic merit?
    Then read OUR TAKE of this film.

    (Note: The "Our Take" review of this title examines the film's artistic merits and does not take into account any of the possibly objectionable material listed below).

    <! -- Start Our Word -- >
    Here's a quick look at the content found in this comedy that's been rated PG-13. Profanity consists of at least several modified and implied "f" words and several "s" words, while other expletives and colorful phrases are also uttered. Sexually related dialogue is present, off-screen sex is implied, various boys and men ogle young, shapely and scantly attired women, and partial nudity (bare butts) is seen as are varying amounts of cleavage.

    Slapstick style material is present, while brief video game violence shows people being killed and possibly dismembered, with bloody results, arrows land in feet, and there are two kicks to a crotch. Bad attitudes, tense family material and some thematic elements are also present. Various characters drink, including one to several moments of intoxication.

    Crude humor occurs in various scenes, as does all sorts of potentially imitative behavior, some of which could be quite dangerous.

    Should you still be concerned about the film's appropriateness for yourself or anyone else in your home, you may want to look more closely at our detailed listings for more specific information regarding the film's content.

    <! -- End Our Word -- ><! -- Start Category Content -- >
  • In a scene set in the past at a celebratory dinner for the kids' basketball victory, one kid tells his father, "You're drunk, dad," while an adult tells the dad that they're there to celebrate the kids' shots (basketball) and not his (drinks).
  • People have drinks at a wake.
  • When Marcus mentions them getting wasted in the past, Lenny lies to the kids that Marcus is talking about ice cream, resulting in all of them clamoring about wanting to get wasted as well.
  • On several occasions, we hear the following lyrics from the same song: "If you like pina coladas."
  • After others have made fun of Gloria's age, Rob does the same while yelling for alcohol to be poured on his foot wound, stating Gloria should know about that as she was born during Prohibition.
  • Back in the cabin, Marcus states he did everyone's shots, but no one else wants to join him when he comments that they used to get wasted up there (although Lenny and Roxanne have beer). When everyone dances with their partner, Marcus then dances with his bottle and later is seen asleep and/or passed out. The next morning he's hung over.
  • Miscellaneous people have beer, and when a basketball accidentally lands on Dickie's wife, she complains about spilling her beer.
  • While intoxicated at a public gathering, Marcus fires an arrow straight up into the air, causing everyone to panic and flee.
  • Lenny's boys play a video game where their avatars kill various characters with machine guns and chainsaws (with bloody results).
  • We see a close-up of bug guts on the floor after Mama Ronzoni accidentally steps on a moth.
  • About their room having a waterbed, Rob tells Gloria that's going to involve the backstroke, prompting Marcus to make a vomit gesture.
  • Mama Ronzoni has a huge and ugly looking bunion or something similar on her toe, prompting all sorts of toe-related jokes (including an Elephant Man one) and comments aimed at her (mostly by Kurt).
  • About a flattened banana, Lenny picks it up and jokingly asks if it's a scab.
  • Mama Ronzoni farts, and others react to the smell, but she blames it on the dog.
  • Lenny cooks bacon on an electric bug zapper outside, with Eric then pulling a moth or similar bug from his bite.
  • Eric states he hides his candy in the bottom of the clothes hamper as that masks the smell of the chocolate. One guy then jokes about the stain marks in Eric's underwear doing the same. Eric then states he has to relieve himself, and thus stands in his boat and proceeds to urinate. The rest of the guys laugh about him starting and stopping (we hear the sound), with him then purposefully peeing on Marcus' back to get back at him.
  • After spreading their late coach's ashes with his hands, Rob puts one such hand in a bucket of fried chicken, but Eric doesn't mind and has a piece.
  • Recreating a moment from their childhood, Lenny fires an arrow straight up into the air, with the winner being the one who stands there the longest. Everyone freaks out, however, and flees, except for Rob who gets the arrow into and through his foot (no blood, but we see the arrow through the foot).
  • While fleeing that falling arrow, Marcus falls face first into a large pile of manure, and then has his face pressed back into that again when Lenny runs across his body.
  • Lenny reminds Roxanne that he once told their son that babies come from mommy's poop, adding that the boy repeatedly checked the toilet for another.
  • After finding the kids playing telephone with strings and cans, Lenny hear farting sounds coming from one can and traces that back to Mama Ronzoni.
  • Sally ends up jumping up and down in excitement, sending her breast milk squirting through the air and all over Deanne's face (with her tasting that and saying it's not bad).
  • One of Eric's young kids says he has to do "number two."
  • About an attractive man coming over to them at a pool, Gloria tells the other wives, "Whatever you do, don't fart."
  • When Eric tells his daughter he'll be out of the pool in a moment, she reminds him that they put something in the water that turns the water blue if you pee in it. We then see such blue coloring around him, as well as his friends in the pool, thus sending everyone else fleeing out of the water.
  • Deanne uses a water bottle to fake out everyone that her (pregnancy) water just broke.
  • Lenny and Eric mess around with Marcus while he's asleep/passed out, including putting him a closet and telling him he can "pee-pee" in there.
  • When they hear that Rob and Gloria plan on having a baby, the guys joke that she and the baby can share diapers.
  • We see Jasmine with a small abrasion on her forehead.
  • One of Lenny's boys has a bad attitude toward his nanny and the chocolate she used in his hot chocolate. He or his brother then refer to their younger sister as an "idiot."
  • Kurt's kids badmouth his cooking (saying it tastes like road kill) and then Deanne adds insult to injury by showing she brought them a pizza. When Kurt gets mad about that, Mama Ronzoni sarcastically states, "Looks like it's his time of the month."
  • Mama Ronzoni calls Kurt a "dummy."
  • Upon meeting Gloria for the first time, Roxanne states that she must be Rob's mom (due to her age), and then apologizes for the mistake.
  • Lenny lies to the others about Rita not being their nanny when she is.
  • We learn that Eric lied to the group about his job status (to keep face).
  • Some of the guys do friendly jokes about Rob being short, such as looking like Elvis if he were an Oompa Loompa.
  • About Eric (being overweight), one person jokes, "Looks like somebody has to learn how to pass the Kentucky Fried Chicken."
  • The guys crack up at their former coach's funeral due to Rob's dramatic singing.
  • Sally's pre-adolescent daughter is a brat, and angrily defies her mother asking her to eat her cake with a fork, and instead crushes the piece in her bare hand.
  • Mama Ronzoni has a huge and ugly looking bunion or something similar on her toe, prompting all sorts of toe-related jokes (including an Elephant Man one) and comments aimed at her (mostly by Kurt).
  • Dickie refers to his former basketball opponents as "the rest of the fugly five" and can't let go of losing to their team three decades ago.
  • The men (and some of their sons) ogle Jasmine and her sister at several points in the film, with Marcus admitting he disabled Jasmine's car so that she'll remain bent over under the hood (in her small shorts).
  • After others have made fun of Gloria's age, Rob does the same while yelling for alcohol to be poured on his foot wound, stating Gloria should know about that as she was born during Prohibition.
  • Roxanne doesn't have time for her young daughter informing her a tooth has come out, and unintentionally lets out that there is no Tooth Fairy, thus shocking and disappointing the girl.
  • Lenny and others show their kids how to skip the line at a water park and thus get to the front of a water slide.
  • When Rob's two attractive daughters come back around in line at that water slide, the middle-aged man there asks if he didn't just see them, and comments on them being the two hottest "chicks" he's ever seen. He then tells Rob that his more homely daughter is "fugly, just like you," prompting Rob to shove him backward and down the water slide.
  • Dickie and his friends try to intimidate and make fun of Lenny and his friends.
  • Lenny and Eric mess around with Marcus while he's asleep/passed out, including one commenting on his mom's boyfriend touching him (as a boy), prompting Marcus to cry in his sleep.
  • When they hear that Rob and Gloria plan on having a baby, the guys joke that she and the baby can share diapers.
  • Rob's friends joke that he could be a gay Jonas brother or a midget Filipino Fonzie.
  • About a cross-eyed man, Lenny jokes that he doesn't know if the man is looking at him.
  • None.
  • Lenny's boys play a video game where their avatars kill various characters with machine guns and chainsaws (with bloody results) while an older woman character is pushed overboard.
  • Phrases: "Cookies and MILF," "The rest of the fugly five," "She's fugly, just like you," "Poultry sh*t," "No sh*t," "That is some stone age shiznit," "Hasta la vista, chicken-shiznit," "Oh, your wife's into chicks," "Hootchie mama," "Is that getting me horny?" "No more boobie milk," "Hose teasers," "Oh my God. What a perv -- he's totally checking me out," "This song gets me so horny," "Get me nookie playlist," "My fine-ass wife," "Why do you always have to be such a d*ck?" "That's my boob," "You're dynamite," "You just pissed me off," "Sounds like it sucks," "Dude," "Idiot," "It tastes like road kill," "Looks like it's his time of the month," "Hollywood," "I see that ass is still growing," "What the hell /are you talking about/is that?" "Looks like somebody has to learn how to pass the Kentucky Fried Chicken," "That is whack," "Toe-by Bryant," "Doesn't make you want to go nuts?" "That was awesome," "Toe-bo cop," "That was a man's ass?" "Pass, dude," "Homey," "You're a grown ass man," "Piece of crap car," "Turd," "Shut up," "Are you insane?" "Get some alcohol on that bitch" (said about a foot wound), "Baby got front," "Hottest chicks," "You losers," "Blob of crap," "Pissing me off," "Sure as hell," "Hell yeah you are," "Gay Jonas brother," "Midget Filipino Fonzie" and "In your face!"
  • The various friends often use various friendly put-downs on each other.
  • A car crashes into patio/pool furniture at Lenny's place (no one is hurt), and he then sees it was his very young daughter driving (saying she was trying to use the GPS to contact Heaven).
  • A woman in Marcus' bed has an O.J. Simpson tattoo on her leg.
  • Mama Ronzoni has a huge and ugly looking bunion or something similar on her toe, prompting all sorts of toe-related jokes (including an Elephant Man one) and comments aimed at her (mostly by Kurt).
  • Marcus talks about them shooting bottle rockets at each other's faces when they were kids (not seen).
  • When Marcus mentions them getting wasted in the past, Lenny lies to the kids that Marcus is talking about ice cream, resulting in all of them clamoring about wanting to get wasted as well.
  • About a flattened banana, Lenny picks it up and jokingly asks if it's a scab. He then hits Rob with it several times as a joke, and then does the same with a bag of raw bacon.
  • Lenny cooks bacon on an electric bug zapper outside.
  • Eric states he hides his candy in the bottom of the clothes hamper as that masks the smell of the chocolate.
  • We twice see Eric wearing an empty bucket of fried chicken on his head like a helmet.
  • The adult men (except for Rob, who isn't with them) alternate taking turns staring Jasmine's butt in tight/small shorts (so that they're not all caught doing that at the same time.
  • Recreating a moment from their childhood, Lenny fires an arrow straight up into the air, with the winner being the one who stands there the longest. Everyone freaks out, however, and flees, except for Rob who gets the arrow into and through his foot.
  • Deanne shakes her clothed, pregnant belly while repeating "Baby got front."
  • Various people do increasingly elaborate stunts down a zip line at a water park before dropping into the pool below. Wiley then tries to go down upside down, but can't get his foot out and thus crashes through the wooden side of an adjacent building (we later see him in a full upper-body cast).
  • Deanne uses a water bottle to fake out everyone that her (pregnancy) water just broke.
  • Lenny playfully slaps Marcus on his head while the latter is asleep/passed out. Later, he and Eric slap Marcus on the head, Lenny simulates a bird's flapping wings (with his hands on his head) and one of them holds Marcus' nose, but they can't rouse him.
  • Two kids jump down from a lake tower onto a mattress, sending Kurt's son flying through the air across the lake.
  • A person belches.
  • While intoxicated at a public gathering, Marcus fires an arrow straight up into the air, causing everyone to panic and flee.
  • None.
  • None.
  • On several occasions, we hear the following lyrics from the same song: "If you like pina coladas" and "If you like making love at midnight."
  • At least 3 partial uses of the "f" word (2 used in the word "fugly," 1 used in "MILF"), 2 "s" words (and another 2 said as "shiznit"), 1 slang term for sex ("nookie"), 6 using male genitals ("d*ck," "wiener" and "hose"), 6 for breasts (variations of "boob"), 8 asses, 7 hells, 3 craps, 1 damn, 25 uses of "Oh my God," 2 of "Oh God" and 1 use each of "Dear God," "God," "Good Lord" and "Swear to God."
  • A woman in Marcus' bed has an O.J. Simpson tattoo on her leg, and Marcus (on the phone) asks if a man's niece is still "hot."
  • About Roxanne, Mama Ronzoni tells Lenny what a "spicy quesadilla" he has, and he half-jokingly replies, "Yeah, she tastes great." Mama Ronzoni then replies, "I bet."
  • Lenny lies to the others about Rita not being their nanny when she is. He says something about her being a student they found on the Internet, with Marcus turning that into a sexualized remark. When Lenny says his wife found Rita, Marcus says, "Oh, you're wife's into chicks."
  • Roxanne compliments Gloria about her scarves, with Rob chiming in that his wife will be tying him up with them later. The two then do playful but exaggerated tongue flicking at each other (up close).
  • Sally, Deanne and especially Roxanne show varying amounts of cleavage (sometimes a lot) in various outfits in various scenes.
  • While hugging one of his clothed male friends, Lenny jokes about fingering him.
  • Eric's son states he wants milk and thus goes to Sally and begins to breastfeed, shocking everyone as the boy turns out to be 4-years-old (we see the activity, but no actual view of the contact or bare breast).
  • About their room having a waterbed, Rob tells Gloria that's going to involve the backstroke, prompting Marcus to make a vomit gesture.
  • About Sally still breastfeeding her 4-year-old son, Marcus jokes about the boy still doing that when he's 10, and imitates the boy simultaneously riding a bike and breastfeeding.
  • About Sally breastfeeding, Marcus jokes about "Cookies and MILF" (the latter being the acronym for "Moms I'd like to F*ck"). Sally's son then points to Roxanne's clothed breasts (and ample cleavage) and asks if he can have some of her milk.
  • One of Lenny's sons states a good thing about Italy is that they show "boobies" on TV there, prompting Eric to state he wants to go.
  • We see Marcus walk out of the room, with his bare butt showing below his shirt, prompting Roxanne to ask, "That was a man's ass?"
  • About being at a certain locale, Marcus mentions getting his first "boob" there, and comments about it.
  • As Eric stands in a boat to urinate, some young women in bikinis pass by in a boat and get a glimpse, prompting Marcus to shout out to them that not all (penises) look the same (we don't see his, but the women do).
  • On several occasions, we hear the following lyrics from the same song: "If you like making love at midnight."
  • When Jasmine shows up, she's in small shorts and shows a great deal of leg. When she opens her car hood, the steam blows on her (in slow motion, with a close-up view of the camera moving across her body, including her bare midriff), thus causing the guys to ogle her from afar (including Kurt's son who refers to her as a "hootchie mama" but doesn't know what that means). We then see views of her in those shorts while bent over under the hood, with the adult men alternating turns staring at her (we see her butt in those tight/small shorts in close-up), and Marcus admits to disabling her car to make such views linger.
  • Gloria (fully clothed) then has the same car steam wind blast happen to her, but nothing explicit is seen in similar slow motion, and the guys turn around to avoid that view.
  • The guys talk about sex or the lack thereof, with mention of Rob and Gloria sounding like two grizzlies fighting over a salmon. Kurt complains about not having sex since Deanne got pregnant, and one the guys jokes that if they did have sex, it would be like a tootsie roll for the unborn child (a small penis reference). Eric comments on his sex life, stating he did it with his wife while she was half asleep and then admits she was fully asleep.
  • About playing telephone with strings and cans, one boy in the shower (clothed) comments about leaving that for Jasmine to clean up (possibly a masturbation/sem*n reference since he's been ogling her).
  • About Sally using a breast pump to send milk from her breast to an injured bird, Marcus asks himself, "Is that getting me horny?" and then answers, "Yes."
  • Roxanne asks Lenny what his favorite thing to do was when he was 12 and it was sunny, but he states he can't do that (a masturbation inference).
  • We see two of Rob's young adult daughters in small bikinis, with one saying Marcus took them shopping to a store called "Naughty and Nice."
  • After weaning Eric's 4-year-old son from breastfeeding, a comment is made "No more boobie milk."
  • We see Roxanne in a fashionable one-piecing bathing suit that's somewhat revealing as she hangs out at the pool with the other wives (where we see miscellaneous women in bikinis and men in just swim trunks, etc.). Gloria states she doesn't have a suit but does sunbathe nude, but the other women tell her to stop when she starts to undress (nothing seen). They then spot a very buff and muscular man in a small and tight bathing suit looking their way and flexing for them. Sally then removes her top to reveal a bikini top, and she comments on the two advantages (her breasts) of breastfeeding and does a playful, sexy dance from afar for that man. He then comes over but has a non-masculine, Canadian accent, and that causes the women to break out in laughter, while he's upset and refers to them as "hose teasers."
  • One of Lenny's sons and Kurt's son watch a shapely young woman get out of a water slide in a tiny thong bottom (showing lots of butt cheek). They then spot the same on a man, but his is unintentional as his bathing suit has ridden up high there.
  • Now that their 4-year-old son has been weaned from breastfeeding, Sally dejectedly states that she doesn't know what to do "with these" (adjusting her breasts), with Eric suggestively stating he does.
  • The kids and men stare at Jasmine's butt in her small and tight shorts, but Bridget thinks they're looking at her and states, "Oh my God. What a perv -- he's totally checking me out."
  • About a song they hear, Gloria states that it gets her "so horny," while Rob comments on his "get me nookie playlist." At the same time, Kurt asks his wife if he can just dance with "my fine-ass wife." Marcus then interrupts Lenny and Roxanne from kissing.
  • Up in the middle of the night, Lenny and Eric talk of having just had sex with their wives (to their surprise) and then wonder where Saskatchewan is (a reference to the above muscular guy). As the same time, they hear Rob and Gloria elsewhere playfully repeating the term "hose teaser."
  • Lenny and Eric mess around with Marcus while he's asleep/passed out, including putting him a closet. The next morning he comes out, hung-over, with Sally's breast pump attached to his chest. He then comments on having a sexy dream with a hot blonde girl, but we then see Eric's pet dog come out of the closet.
  • Marcus tells the guys about his night with a young woman, stating that they were "going at it" and shaking the bed. He then says that at the good part a painting fell down and hit the woman on the head. Just then, we see Jasmine with a small abrasion on her forehead, and everyone assumes she was that woman (but we later learn that's not accurate). As Rob then chases Marcus around, the latter comments on another woman who grabbed his "wiener."
  • We see Jasmine in small shorts.
  • Mama Ronzoni tells Deanne the latter should have stuck with a different boyfriend. Deanne then tells her mom that she (Mama Ronzoni) probably would have ended up pregnant by him rather than her.
  • We see miscellaneous women in bikini tops (with some cleavage showing), while the various wives are dressed like cheerleaders (showing cleavage and bare midriffs).
  • About the muffled sound of Eric's dog, a man asks what that is, saying it sounds like owls having sex.
  • In a full upper-body cast where his arms are up in the air, Wiley asks Deanne if he can rub her pregnant belly. She says yes, and he tries bending over with his arm reaching out, but he touches her clothed breast instead, with her saying, "That's not my baby, that's my boob."
  • None.
  • Kurt's kids badmouth his cooking (saying it tastes like road kill) and then Deanne adds insult to injury by showing she brought them a pizza. When Kurt gets mad about that, Mama Ronzoni sarcastically states, "Looks like it's his time of the month." She insults him at other points in the movie as well.
  • Sally's pre-adolescent daughter is a brat, and angrily defies her mother asking her to eat her cake with a fork, and instead crushes the piece in her bare hand.
  • We hear that Rob is in his fourth marriage, and that he barely knows his daughters. When Jasmine shows up, she isn't happy and comments on having issues because of him not being around.
  • Roxanne doesn't have time for her young daughter informing her a tooth has come out, and unintentionally lets out that there is no Tooth Fairy, thus shocking and disappointing the girl.
  • Roxanne is mad at Lenny for having previously canceled their flight to Italy without informing her.
  • Adults who manage to remain friends with their childhood friends.
  • Today's kids losing touch with the simpler and non-technological pleasures of being a child.
  • Hollywood agents.
  • Lenny lies to the others about Rita not being their nanny when she is.
  • We learn that Eric lied to the group about his job status (to keep face).
  • Eric's son states he wants milk and thus goes to Sally and begins to breastfeed, shocking everyone as the boy turns out to be 4-years-old.
  • The comment that with love comes hostility (toward the loved person).
  • In a scene set in the past, a young basketball player blocks another to the floor.
  • Lenny's boys play a video game where their avatars kill various characters with machine guns and chainsaws (with bloody results) while an older woman character is pushed overboard.
  • Eric accidentally breaks the wall of an above-ground pool, sending water washing him and others away.
  • Rob goes to put a warmed rock onto Gloria's bare back, but it burns his hand and then her back when he drops it on her.
  • Mama Ronzoni pushes one of Lenny's boys out of the way so that she can get to a porch swing.
  • Spotting a rope hanging from a tree at the end of a cliff overlooking a lake, Eric grabs and swings out on it, but is afraid to let go. As a result, he swings back to the cliff, crashes into a tree, lets go, and bounces hard on the ground, including landing on a bird (that's seen injured, but alive).
  • About a flattened banana, Lenny picks it up and jokingly asks if it's a scab. He then hits Rob with it several times as a joke, and then does the same with a bag of raw bacon.
  • Recreating a moment from their childhood, Lenny fires an arrow straight up into the air, with the winner being the one who stands there the longest. Everyone freaks out, however, and flees, except for Rob who gets the arrow into and through his foot.
  • While fleeing that falling arrow, Kurt accidentally clotheslines himself on a tree branch.
  • Trying to skip a rock on the lake, Roxanne accidentally throws it directly into one of her kids (gut or torso shot).
  • When Rob's two attractive daughters come back around in line at a water slide, the middle-aged man there asks if he didn't just see them, and comments on them being the two hottest "chicks" he's ever seen. He then tells Rob that his more homely daughter is "fugly, just like you," prompting Rob to shove him backward and down the water slide.
  • Various people do increasingly elaborate stunts down a zip line at a water park before dropping into the pool below. Wiley then tries to go down upside down, but can't get his foot out and thus crashes through the wooden side of an adjacent building (we later see him in a full upper-body cast).
  • Lenny knocks down Marcus.
  • Lenny playfully slaps Marcus on his head while the latter is asleep/passed out. Later, he and Eric slap Marcus on the head, but can't rouse him.
  • Thinking Marcus fooled around with Jasmine, Rob comes after Marcus and eventually kicks him in the clothed crotch, hurting both of them (as that's the foot an arrow earlier went through). Moments later, he kicks him in the crotch again.
  • While intoxicated at a public gathering, Marcus fires an arrow straight up into the air, causing everyone to panic and flee. That arrow comes down and lands in Wiley's foot, while Mama Ronzoni trips and falls with her face landing in a cake.
  • <! -- End Category Content -- >

    Reviewed June 22, 2010 / Posted June 25, 2010<! -- End Review Content -- >

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    Phone: +9316045904039

    Job: Future Coordinator

    Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

    Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.